Netflix travel TV shows

Best travel shows on Netflix

Last Updated on May 8, 2020 by Ingrid

Miss the days when you could travel from one place to the other, discover new cultures and food all around the world? This list of the best travel shows on Netflix will take you directly from your couch all over the world. 

These are some of my favorites shows to watch on Netflix whenever I miss booking that flight and hitting the road. I’ve binge-watched some of them, and the others are still on my “to watch” list. 

And as a bonus, I’ll chip in at the end also some Amazon Prime movies and TV series that you will want to see (for free with your  Amazon Prime membership. (Don’t have Amazon Prime yet? Grab your 30-day free trial here!)

I’m sure that after you watch some of these shows, you’ll want to plan your next trip as soon as possible. At least, that’s what I want to do. 

Best travel shows on Netflix 2020

Dark Tourist

Dark tourism = tourism that involves traveling to places associated with death and suffering.

In this show, New Zealand journalist David Farrier travels to out of the ordinary places, from a voodoo festival in Benin to a nuclear lake in Kazakhstan, and anything in between. 

The show is not recommended for children under 16 years and had only one season. 

Countries: various around the world

Street food – Asia

I’ve binge-watched this show in one day, so curious to discover the local food from many of the countries in Asia I’ve seen or I’m yet to see. 

I like the fact that the show blends together various delicious dishes with the stories of the people making them. It also portrays the difficulties of life in some of these Asian countries. 

Only one season is available and it covers various countries in Asia.

Tales by light

The trailer alone gave me goosebumps and I watched the first season in a blink of an eye! I think the greatest way a person can portray a place, its people, flora, and fauna, is by shooting breathtaking pictures. 

And this show is all about that. Conveying the place through a new and unique angle. And bringing awareness to those topics that you don’t usually get access to, making a change through photography and filmography.

Seasons: 3

Country: all around the world

Conan without boarders

The comedian travels around the world, from Cuba where he tastes rum and dances the rumba, to Italy where he strolls through Florence, tastes Chianti wine and coffee in Naples. 

Seasons: 1

Country: all around the world

Night on Earth

Wouldn’t you want to know what animals from all over the world do once night falls?

This beautifully shot documentary will take you from the African savannah to the Peruvian desert, from the jungle to the streets of India. 

Seasons: 1

Countries: all around the world

National Parks Adventures

Even though this is not a series, you will still want to watch the documentary narrated by Robert Redford. 

You’ll get to see inspiring landscapes, historic sites, and impressive wilderness in the American National Parks. 

Country: USA

Magical Andes

The story of 5 people that share their deep connection with the South American mountains, from Argentina to Colombia. 

Season: 1

Countries: various in South America

Somebody feed Phil

The creator of “Everybody loves Raymond” travels around the world and discovers the local cuisine, from Italy to Buenos Aires, Cape Town, and New York. 

Seasons: 2

Country: various around the world

Festive foods

I think a great way of learning about a place, its people, and culture, is by tasting the festive foods. Or at least learning about them by watching this Netflix show. 

Season 1 takes you through plenty of Asian destinations, where you will discover the local food and sweets people prepare for some of their most important celebrations. 

Seasons: 1

Country: various across Asia

Paul Hollywood’s Continental Road trip

Go on a trip to France, Germany, and Italy by car with Paul Hollywood – a chef and avid auto enthusiast. 

Amazon Prime movies and TV series

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

One of my favorite travel and food TV show. Ever. 

Travel around the world with one of the most loved world-renowned chefs, TV show personalities, and best selling author. Throughout the 11 seasons, he will take you everywhere from Vietnam to Turkey, and from Libya to Congo. 

Season: 11

Country: all over the world

Rick Steves’ Europe

I’m sure many of you have traveled around Europe using his travel guides. Why not watch this 9 seasons of great travels around Europe.

From Italy to France, to England and South Walse, and everything in between. Every two years Rick Steves produces a new series of travel shows exploring his favorite European destinations, and you’ll have plenty to watch while stuck at home. 

Seasons: 9

Countries: lots of countries around Europe

Dream of Italy

If you love Italy as much as I do, this is one show that you will need to watch!

Go from the stunning views in Tuscany, learn about history in Rome, and explore the most amazing Southern region of Puglia.

Check out also my complete guide of the Italy virtual tours you’ll like if you love Italy as much as I do.

There are just so many remarkable places in Italy you will want to explore in these 2 seasons together with Italian travel expert Kathy McCabe.

Seasons: 2

Country: Italy

Giada in Italy

Live the Italian “Bella vita” and learn how to prepare some of the most iconic dishes from Southern Italy, with one of the most famous chefs with Italian roots: Giada de Laurentiis. 

Only by watching the trailer, I’ve been transported back on the streets of one of my favorite destinations in Italy the Amalfi Coast.

And you’ll have 4 seasons to get accustomed to the best food and the most beautiful landscapes and towns in the world. 

Seasons: 4

Country: Italy

Jamie Oliver’s Food Escapes

Jamie Oliver, one of Britain’s most famous chefs, travels through Europe in order to discover the places and the way people live through their local food. 

Two greedy Italians

I’m always amused by the friendship Antonio and Genarro have, and I love discovering with them all the hidden parts of Italy they take us to. 


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